What do my HOA dues pay for?

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There are several items that are paid for by collected HOA dues. They include, at a high level:

  • PAMco to assist us with running the HOA
  • Electricity of the sign at the entrance of the subdivision on Windy Hill Road
  • Water for the grass at the entrance of the subdivision on Windy Hill Road
  • Landscaping of common areas that are owned by the HOA
  • Collection of unpaid dues and fines for violations
  • Payment of property taxes on HOA owned lots
  • Insurance policies for the mail kiosks, the entry sign, general liability for the HOA, hazard liability for the retention pond and legal/litigation coverage for Board Members and Officers.
  • For comprehensive look at what our dues pay for, we suggest attending an Annual Meeting where financial statements are reviewed and a PAMco representative is available to answer questions.

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